Pornstar Martini

COCKTAIL RECIPES > Pornstar Martini

The Pornstar Martini started back in 1999 in London, and was created by Douglas Ankrah. It’s a super simple drink that was created for no other reason than just to create a nice, provocative, tasty drink. We’ve replaced the traditionally used spirit of vodka with gin for a refreshing and fruity flavoursome tipple.


50mL Flavoured gin (vanilla will work best)
50mL Smooth Orange Juice (Freshly squeezed)
100mL Prosecco
Slice of Orange, passionfruit and/or rosemary to garnish.


Start by adding 50mL Gin and 50mL orange juice into a cocktail shaker with cubed ice and shake well, until the mix starts to foam. Strain the mixture into a coupe, then topping up with around 100mL of dry Prosecco. Add garnish.